Work Regulations of CPC
In order to further enhance the effectiveness of the grass-roots party branch, in the first class on the afternoon of 24th December, under the leadership of Comrade Yu Lihong, the 4th Party Branch Secretary, all the party members of Anqing Foreign Language School’s 4th Party Branch learned the ‘Work Regulations of the Communist Party Branch of China’.
Initially, Secretary Yu Lihong led all the party members to learn the full text of the regulations word by word and guided them to be familiar with the three tasks, seven responsibilities, five principles, eight basic tasks and ten key tasks of the Party Branch. Secretary Yu Lihong stressed the need to earnestly implement the provisions of the regulations and strive to build the 4th Party Branch into an excellent Party Branch which was realistic, pragmatic, full of vitality and serving the public.
What’s more, Secretary Yu Lihong invited Principal Huang Zuning, an old party member to give guidance on how to carry out democratic evaluation of grass-roots party organizations and standardize the democratic work of party members. During the meeting, party leadership and all the party members sincerely carried out criticism and self-criticism, putting forward reasonable and valuable advice regarding the branch work. Young party members expressed one after another that they would initiate more public welfare activities, take the lead to get close to the masses, serve students and society as well as give full play to party members’ exemplary and vanguard role to fulfill the regulations in practice.